"Yes, Kendall! I want instant access to your PROVEN training course that will show me how to Design, Market, Price and Fill 'Platinum Style' programs so I can feel good about the transformation I deliver — and BOOST my income in record time!"

This is for you even if you are new in business, or transitioning your current business, and yes, even if you don't have a list!

You get instant access to this step-by-step, downloadable training course that includes:

  • Downloadable training audios and transcripts of each step, brilliantly laid out to get you started immediately
  • Downloadable companion workbook loaded with done-for-you checklists, scripts, templates, examples, samples, forms, marketing plans and blueprints

Platinum isn't about simply 'charging more' or working harder...Offering 'Platinum Style' programs will give you more breathing room, rapidly accelerate your income and give you the joy of feeling that you're doing the work you're meant to be getting out into the world!

Step-By-Step, here's what's included so you can get started today:

How To Create A 'Platinum State of Mind' In Just 30 Minutes

Want to feel confident and in integrity with higher fees? You will with these simple exercises that make it easy to shift from "Will my clients pay?" and "Am I ready?" to trusting your worth at the deepest level.

Training Module Includes:

  • The ONE question that will powerfully transform negative self-talk into positive self-worth, instantly
  • CHECKLIST of 4 Platinum mindsets (plus companion exercises) so you create to-the-core, unshakeable and fully authentic faith in your value, in just 30 minutes

How To Transform Your Expertise Into A Compelling And Easy-to-Market "Signature System"

Once you transform your expertise (processes, methods, etc.) into an exciting Signature System you'll easily attract ideal clients, without you ever again having to "try to explain" what you do. This is an ALL NEW, completely updated module, created EXCLUSIVELY for Platinum Style Program Success System course participants.

Training Module Includes:

  • The FOUR best-selling types of Signature Systems clients happily pay for (with this TEMPLATE, you'll know exactly how to position your transformational work in a compelling way)
  • 3 simple questions that reveal WHY people will be eager to sign up as YOUR Platinum client
  • Done-for-You "So what do you do?" template that makes it surprisingly quick and easy to comfortably talk about your Platinum program in 60 seconds or less

The ABCs of Designing Your Platinum Program So You Offer Awesome Value Without Over-delivering

You'll get all the breathing room you've been wanting in your business (no more over-delivering!) using this exciting, "I can't believe it could be this easy!" step-by-step template for designing your Platinum private or group offer.

Training Module Includes:

  • 6-step Platinum Design Template, making it easy for you to "choose and use" what to include in your private or group Platinum programs (with this, you can design your program in under 60 minutes)
  • Exactly how much coaching or content to include so that you FREE UP your time, while delivering exceptional value
  • What ONE component you must always include so that your clients experience immediate results and love that they invested with you (this is so fun and easy to provide, it will be your joy!)
  • These exact, ready-to-go Platinum BLUEPRINTS: 6-month private, 12-month private, 90-day group, 6-month group, and a 12-month group
  • 5 popular formulas for creating the perfect name for your Platinum program (includes benefit words you're welcome to use)

Complete Marketing And Enrollment Materials, All Done-For-You

You get the exact enrollment and application materials you need to fill your private or group Platinum program with high-quality, paying clients.

Training Module Includes:

  • Platinum enrollment letter TEMPLATE outlining exactly what to say to describe your program in juicy terms, and so that your ideal clients immediately connect with why they should sign up (SAMPLE enrollment letter INCLUDED)
  • Platinum application TEMPLATE, including done-for-you application questions, designed to inspire your ideal clients to hiring you (and respectfully screen out the ones that are clearly not a fit) (SAMPLE application INCLUDED)
  • Platinum agreement CHECKLIST, listing exactly what to include so that you're presenting your business as a professional (SAMPLE agreement INCLUDED)
  • How and when to list payment details (without this, you could easily end up losing new clients)

Step-By-Step, How To Price Your Platinum Program With Confidence And Integrity

You can breathe easy because I'm demystifying pricing and eliminating the emotional charge often associated with this important task. This simple, step-by-step process makes it a breeze to choose your Platinum fees with grace and ease.

Training Module Includes:

  • 17 Pricing "do's and don'ts" that will save you costly mistakes
  • My profound signature exercise that will reveal — in just 30-minutes — the real value of your program to you AND to your ideal clients with crystal clarity (with this you'll immediately stand confidently in the truth of your value — without any guilt pangs — and your potential clients will feel your integrity, 100%)
  • How to make a "pay in full" option enticing and easy for your potential clients to say "YES!" to (imagine how good it feels to receive payment in full, right at the start of your client relationship)
  • Easy 6-step Platinum Pricing Guide, showing you exactly how to calculate what to charge (this template works beautifully to simplify choosing your fee so you avoid costly pricing mistakes or giving away too much for too little)
  • The ONE step you must ALWAYS take when offering a payment plan so that your client stays committed (and isn't tempted to back out)
  • Guidance on when to post your fees online (and when it's a big no-no that can tank your sales!)
  • Exactly when to discuss the investment in your program (yes, there IS a perfect moment for this, and now you'll know what it is)
  • Real-life pricing EXAMPLE, following the same template you'll be using

Complete Marketing Formula — Step by Step — To FILL Your Platinum Program (Even If You Don't Have A List)

Get excited because you can attract your first Platinum client with just ONE conversation, or choose from a variety of proven ways to fill a group program, all by following these simple steps.

Training Module Includes:

  • The exact marketing sequence to use if you're just starting and don't have a list
  • TWO simple email campaigns, all laid out for you
  • How to leverage free speaking into a steady stream of potential Platinum clients (perfect when you're not allowed to "make an offer" from the stage — no worries, you'll still get clients using what you learn here!)
  • When and how to use online marketing such as teleseminars, webinars or video to create a wealth of potential private or group Platinum clients


"A Celebration! I just had a discovery session that resulted in a new 12 month platinum client! It's the most I have ever charged - a monumentally scary amount. $15,000!!!! I was going to charge $12,000, assumed it would be too much, but here's the best bit. I remembered to say the phrase that always works and increased the investment by $3000. Huge gratitude - Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

­ Shirley Bilson, ShirleyBilson.com


"My first Platinum Client! The scripts and tools work, and I was well prepared. I have to say that I had a major mindset shift because of the "standing in the truth of my value" exercise. I'm so grateful for the support I've received... thank you!"

­ Shelly Darnutzer, TechLivelihood.com


Complete "Discovery Session" Outline So You Can Transform Conversations Into Paying Platinum Clients

Boost your enrollment results using this proven OUTLINEcomplete with SAMPLE QUESTIONS — showing you exactly what to say during an enrolling conversation. Think about it: no more winging it, giving away your power, or wondering how to help your potential clients see the value of your Platinum program...now they will!

Bonus Training Module Includes:

  • Word-for-word, ALL NEW, sample OFFER SCRIPT, showing you exactly what to say when making your offer (every word comes from a place of deep integrity and respect, so you'll feel awesome using this bonus script. Think of how stress-free and easy this is going to make it for you to get started offering Platinum!)
  • Word-for-word SCRIPTS showing you exactly how to elegantly handle the most common objections such as "I can't afford it (I don't have the money)," "I need to think about it," "I need to check with my "husband/wife/partner" and more

VALUE: $697

How To Deliver Your Platinum Program In Only A Few Hours Per Month

You'll discover how to connect with your clients and create an amazing program experience while freeing up TONS of your time every month. This is the beauty of "going Platinum", whether you're new in your business or you're looking to leverage your time in the business that you already have.

Bonus Training Module Includes:

  • Beautiful CHECKLIST of how to welcome your new clients and "keep the deal sealed"
  • CHECKLIST of tasks you can easily hand off to an assistant
  • How to plan your monthly coaching or training calls so that you have tons of free time and your clients feel supported and that you are "there for them" (you'll love how easy this is to set up in your schedule...and you'll be amazed at how much new-found time you have to do other things in your life or business!)
  • Detailed, "it's all here for you" CHECKLIST of how to create a live or virtual Platinum retreat that is transformational for your clients...and easy for you to run (even includes how to set up your retreat space to create the perfect atmosphere for transformation to happen)
  • Simple, 6-step CONTENT TEMPLATE showing you exactly what exercises, coaching, etc. to include in your retreat days, right down to how many breaks to take, ideal retreat hours and more
  • Done-for-you Platinum budget CHECKLIST so you can plan for expenses and calculate your profits (did you know that most Platinum programs are typically 80%+ profit? That's a number to get excited about!)
  • SAMPLE "What to Pack" email you can model and send to your clients, plus a sample welcome letter which makes a great impression on your Platinum clients

VALUE: $397

Ultimate Done-For-You GET STARTED Kit

We've gathered every blueprint, checklist, template, guide, script, example, sample and more into one convenient downloadable file so you have everything at your fingertips. Use this as your "go-to" reference every time you want to add a new Platinum client to your private or group programs...it's YOURS!

VALUE: Considering the value of your time, this bonus is PRICELESS!

Ultimate Done-For-You EMAIL Marketing Launch Kit

I’ve gone all out for you with this bonus kit, by including everything you need to make creating an email campaign quick and simple. Everything in this kit is step by step so you’re going to feel confident and ready to go.

Bonus Training Module Includes:

  • Exact step-by-step email marketing launch SEQUENCE
  • Simple email writing TEMPLATE, outlining for you exactly what to put into your marketing emails (use this template and you'll never fear writer's block again, it's that simple)
  • 13 SAMPLE Platinum email SUBJECT LINES you can model and use as your own
  • Done-for-You, day-by-day email marketing launch CALENDAR, showing you exactly which emails to send and when
  • Word-for-word, SAMPLE Platinum launch emails that you can model and use as your own

VALUE: $597

Ultimate Done-For-You VIDEO Marketing Launch Kit

Video marketing is HOT, so I'm including everything you need to make creating a video campaign simple and effective. You're going to love how step-by-step everything is in this bonus marketing kit, making it easy for you to get started with video, quickly.

Bonus Training Module Includes:

  • Exact step-by-step VIDEO marketing launch SEQUENCE
  • CONTENT TEMPLATES of exactly what to say in your videos
  • The 3 MOST RECOMMENDED call-to-action endings to use in your videos (this is crucial to getting your viewers inspired to take action)
  • Detailed CHECKLIST of how to make your offer so that you get the greatest number of potential clients responding
  • Pointers on how to project the right type of energy (authentic to you) so that you create connection, confidence and credibility with your video viewers
  • Done-for-You, day-by-day video marketing launch CALENDAR, showing you exactly how to announce your videos and how to wrap up your campaign to create even greater last-minute interest
  • Tips on how to use your video campaign to grow your list at the same time as you're filling your Platinum program (this is a HUGE time saver that I'm so glad to share with you)
  • SAMPLE video marketing web page TEMPLATES, showing you what-goes-where, so that your video campaign converts visitors into viewers

VALUE: $597

"6 Weeks Or Less" Day-By-Day Platinum Action Plan

I've taken all the overwhelm out of getting started...so that you can get your first (or your next!) Platinum client in record time. You are going to be delighted at how simple, easy and FAST it can be, using this done-for-you calendar that shows you exactly what to do, day-by-day.

VALUE: $197

"Why Aren't They Signing Up?" 8 Easy Fixes To Keep New Clients Flowing In

While it can be frustrating or even a little scary to encounter glitches in signing up new clients, the truth is, behind most of the reasons clients may be lagging is a simple fix. In this bonus trouble-shooting guide, I cover the 8 most common situations that may come up, a CHECKLIST of simple solutions, and even how to elegantly handle any resistance YOU may be having in the process. Use this guide whenever you need a quick fix, and you'll be back on track, with new-found clarity and specific action steps.

VALUE: $297

Professionally Recorded Training Audios For Each Module In This Course

I walk you through each step, in detail, with each recorded training audio. You can listen in on your favorite playback device, plus follow along with each module's companion "workbook" where all of the exercises, examples, checklists, templates, guides, scripts, samples and transcripts are conveniently gathered together for you, right at your fingertips.

VALUE: Considering you're hearing each step of your training clearly explained in detail, the value of this bonus is truly PRICELESS!

Downloadable PDF Transcripts Of Training Plus Bonus Modules

I love taking notes. So I'm providing transcripts of each training module for you. Read them online or download and print to access easily as your "go to" reference guide.

VALUE: $297

My Personal "Your Happiness is Guaranteed" Pledge

I want you to be MORE than satisfied with Platinum Style Program Success System. If for some reason you aren't then I want to make sure you end up happy. If this course doesn't meet your expectations, just let me know within 30 days of your purchase and I will give you a 100% refund out of my own pocket.

"I just wanted to share a huge personal celebration. In the past 3 days I've signed a 6-month platinum and a VIP Day client into my new programs - and generated $9K in revenue. Last night when I was going through the Discovery Session with my (now) new client something in me shifted and I KNEW I was the solution to her problem ­ so much so that when I told her the investment it really felt like both of us knew it was a steal."

­ Dr. Kate Byrne, BettyMeansBusiness.com

Platinum Style Program Success System Training Course
Total Value with Bonuses: $5,997
Regularly: $1,497

Your Investment: Get started today for 4 payments of $272
or 1 Payment of $997 (BEST DEAL), saving you $500 total SAVINGS

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